Submission of full papers and revised abstracts

Authors, whose abstracts have been accepted for an oral presentation may: 

  • prepare and submit a full paper or
  • revise and finalise their abstracts.

Full papers should be between 3500 and 8000 words and should be prepared according to this template. (Papers not using the template will not be accepted.)

Submitted full papers will go through a review process based on which authors may once more revise and submit their final full papers before the conference.

The deadline for full paper/revised abstract submission has been extended to the 30th of April, 2020. Since the review process takes a considerable amount of time, a further extension of this deadline is not planned.

The submission of full papers/revised abstracts is open. Please, log in to your ExOrdo account and follow the steps similar to the abstract submission process.

The 2020 ISDRS Annual Conference in Budapest will be held in English, thus all contributions must be prepared in English.

