Pricing & Information

"The registration fees are in AUD, and the AUD is currently in decline against the USD. NOW is the perfect time to register!!"

Available until
1st May 2015

Registration Type

Early Bird


Full Registration - ISDRS Member$ 600.00$ 700.00
Full Registration - Non Member*
(refer below to become a member)

$ 750.00$ 875.00
Full Registration - Track Chair$ 525.00$ 625.00
Full Registration - Student/Developing Country**- ISDRS Member$ 350.00$ 450.00
Full Registration - Student/Developing Country**- Non Member*$ 450.00$ 575.00

Add Ons

PhD Seminars$ 30.00
Conference Dinner Ticket$ 100.00
Guest Ticket - Welcome Reception$ 50.00
Guest Ticket - Conference Dinner$ 100.00
Excursion (Monday 13th July) - Winery Day Tour$ 130.00
Excursion (Monday 13th July) - Great Ocean Road Day Tour
$ 110.00

*ISDRS Green(+) members receive a discount on the registration. This discount is higher than the fee for a membership. You can apply for a membership here:

Registration includes:

  • Conference bag
  • Conference program
  • Attendance to all sessions from Friday 10th - Sunday 12th July 2015
  • Attendance to the Welcome Reception


Registrations are to be made via an online registration system using Visa or Mastercard.

Cancellation of registration

Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to the Conference Organiser at A $120.00 cancellation fee (GST Inc) will apply for conference registrations cancelled until Thursday 18th June 2015 After this date, no refunds will be issued


Insurance, including medical cover, travel cover and expenses incurred in the event the conference is cancelled, is your responsibility. Please discuss insurance cover with your travel agent when booking air travel.

Conference Invitation Letter

Requesting an official letter of invitation to ISDRS 2015. Before applying for an official letter of invitation to attend or participate in the ISDRS 2015 Conference you must first hold a paid in full ISDRS 2015 registration. To request a letter of invitation, simply email your request to including the following required information:

  • Full name as it appears on your passport;
  • Organisation affiliation; and
  • Full organisation address;
  • Full residential address

Please note: The issuing of an official letter of invitation is in no way guaranteeing the issuing of an official government issued travel visa.

  • Requesting a travel visa from the Australian Government

Once an official letter of invitation has been issued, you will need to apply through the Department of Immigration for a travel visa. Information related to the application process, types of visas available, fees and the issue of transit visas applicable to certain countries can be found on the Australian Government Department of Immigration website**.

10th - 12th July