Guide for Authors - Abstract Submission
To submit an abstract you will have to use the ExOrdo platform. Please, follow these instructions when following the 5 step process of abstract submission.
Make sure that your planned presentation fits the special topic ('Sustainabilty in Transforming Societies') of the conference. You may want to highlight this connection in your abstract.
Before submitting your abstract, please, consult the conference web page for the 'Themes and Tracks' of the conference ( You will have to select one of these under 'Topics' when you upload your abstract.
(Please, note that the list of final tracks may change slightly - tracks may be merged or split up based on the content and number of submissions. Also, reviewers may suggest that your abstract fits better in another track. In either case, the conference organisers will contact you in due time to find a solution.)
The language of the conference is English so abstracts and all other submission must be in English.
During the submission process, you will have to provide the following information (please press 'Done' after finalising each step):
Format of submision: Oral or Poster
Title & Abstract: abstracts should be 450-550 words formatted as one single paragraph, covering the following aspects:
- Background context
- Justification of the research/research argument
- Aim
- Methods/approach
- Findings/results
- Conclusions
Topics: your selected track (topic) - you may only select one: please, select the one that fits best
Additional information: up to 5 keywords describing your contribution