Inclusive sustainability for development:

How to engage academy, government,
communities and business

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 23rd annual conference to be held on June 14-16 in Bogotá, Colombia; hosted by the Universidad de los Andes School of Management (UASM)!


General theme

Inclusive sustainability for development: How to engage academy, government, communities and business

Sustainability issues today must be seen not only from an environmental perspective; the social perspective is very relevant as well for the sustainable development goals. In this regard, issues of inclusiveness in the development model of nations, regions and municipalities attain a high priority level. By inclusiveness we understand the objective of creating a more equitable society by ensuring wider access and opportunities across social groups, regions and economic sectors as well as reducing the high income disparities that occur today. This is particularly important for the Colombian society which is entering the post-conflict phase.

How to achieve this objective is a matter of intense discussion and concern. Governments, private enterprises and communities must play an important role. In this process, the academy must be engaged with the study of new theoretical approaches, models of intervention and application of these principles in a world dominated by organizations. It is important to discuss new business models with sustainability certifications (e.g. B companies), hybrid organizations, networks and foundations as well as grass-root organizations which are unfolding throughout the world without a proper understanding of its impacts. We consider that this is a topic that is highly relevant for a post-conflict Colombia, the region and the international setting.

ISDRS 2017 Core Themes:

Theme I. Sustainable Development Science

Theme II. Ecosystem Pressures and Limits

Theme III. Climate Change and Energy

Theme IV. Sustainable Land Use & Sustainable Cities

Theme V. Sustainability: Transitions and Innovation in Organisations

Theme VI. Society, Quality of Life and Sustainability

Theme VII. Institutions and Governance Structures for Sustainable Development

Go to "Conference" > "Themes and Tracks" to see all tracks within each Core Theme

ISDRS 2017 Special Tracks

0a. Sustainable development in post-conflict countires

0b. Indigenous, afro, and rural communities involvement with sustainability

0c. Art & sustainability

0d. Water governance

0e. Economic instruments and policies for sustainability

Go to "Conference" > "Themes and Tracks" to see all special tracks

Special issues

Special issues will be published as an output of the conference in the following leading indexed peer-reviewed journals:

Sustainable Development Journal

Sustainable Development (Wiley)

Journal Cleaner Production

Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)


Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (World Scientific)

ISDRS 2017 poster and flyer

Download the 23rd ISDRS Conference poster and flyer and help spread the word!

Conference Poster

ISDRS 2017 Poster Tumbnail

(PDF) (PDF with texts) (JPG)

Conference Flyer

ISDRS 2017 Flyer Tumbnail




Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
