9d. Law and Sustainability

Track Chairs:

Volker Mauerhofer. Meiji University, Japan. volker.mauerhofer@gmx.at

Daniela Rupo. Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy. daniela.rupo@unime.it

Lara Tarquinio. Department of Economic studies (DEc), University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy. lara.tarquinio@unich.it

Goals and objectives of the track

The goal of this track is to discuss principles, key concepts, methods and applications of legal aspects of Sustain-ability even referred to managerial issues and reporting instruments. We will further map opportunities of and challenges for legal aspects in a sustainable development in various thematic and strategic subjects, thereby contributing to the development of these domains scientifically and practically.

Contributions from the followings areas are sought-after e.g.

  • Empirical (qualitatively and/or quantitatively data backed) and theoretical contributions
  • Philosophical and historical analysis; case studies; conceptual developments & assessments; descriptions of newly developed methods and their practical application.
  • Deductive and inductive studies; thematically horizontal or sectorial papers; studies of policy mixes among environmental, social and/or economic instruments; de lege lata and/or de lege ferenda essays.
  • Local studies with a potential wider application; comparisons of nations or other spatial units; analysis of re-gional integration; multilevel interplay.
  • Studies of Common Law and/or Continental Law (public, private and/or criminal/penal law)
  • Contributions about soft law, binding and/or non-binding instruments, formal and customary institutions
  • The role of sustainability law for institutional change and government policy also towards future generations
  • Single (case) studies or comparisons related to strategies, plans, programs, conflict of interests and/or trade-offs among different values and interests. Studies related to any stakeholders.
  • Studies on substantial rights (such as human rights) and procedural rights (such as public participation (such as access to information, participation in procedures and access to justice)
  • Innovative local, national, regional & international legal principles/approaches towards more sustainability incl. e.g. degrowth law, green economy law, soft law & customary law
  • Legal institutions and inter-/intragenerational justice on the pathway towards a sustainable transitions
  • Legislative, administrative, judicial decision-making & enforcement by law in terms of priority setting, igno-rance, uncertainty, risk, conflicts of interest and trade-offs; absolute and relative achievements by law
  • The role of law for property rights, new commons, the Post2015 Agenda & Sustainable Development Goals
  • Gender, planetary boundaries and/or ecosystem services, footprint, sustainable production & consumption
  • Sustainable development elements of

- efficiency, effectiveness and sufficiency
- environmental, social and economic capital, capacity and carrying capacity, also with the back ground of population questions

  • The impact of law on reporting of non-financial information
  • Integrated Reporting according to the <IIRC Framework> and the link between voluntary and mandatory re-porting of non-financial information
  • Governance and sustainability
  • Cases and empirical evidence on new forms of business organizations that promote the triple bottom line approach to business ( i.e., benefit corporations)
  • Reporting and performance on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  1. Each proposed contribution (in connection to one of the areas pointed out above) shall in particularly out-line its relevance to sustainable development or to the rethinking of business organizations and their report-ing instruments in order to consider social, environmental or sustainability issues.
  2. A brief indication how the proposed contribution relates to the topic of the Conference ("ACTION FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE" ) is welcome.


You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first): https://isdrs2018.exordo.com
Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2017 7 January 2018
