5c. Innovation for Sustainable Development and Transitions to Sustainability

Track Chair

Fernando J. Diaz Lopez. inno4sd.net, TNO,  the Netherlands &  Stellenbosch  University, South Africa. fernando.diazlopez@tno.nl

Goals and objectives of the track

It is generally acknowledged that achieving transformative change along the different areas of Sustainable Development requires different forms of innovation and change. Such view of innovation for sustainability requires an ongoing dialogue among academics, scientists, government officials, private sector, entrepreneurs, civil society organisations, financers and investors, knowledge brokers, educators, students, journalists, etc. In this track manifold perspectives are invited, including those from the practitioner's community.

Innovation is important for sustainable development, but the relationship is not straightforward. There is a need for understanding the global web of constraints and repercussions of different innovation pathways, with attention to how the public interest and models of social inclusion can be better incorporated into innovation processes. There is also a need to explore drivers for systemic eco-innovation that trigger long-term transformations, address all aspects of the environment and resource use (beyond low-carbon and energy considerations), and are thoughtful of poverty eradication and socio-economic development needs.

There is an urgent need of a better understanding, new insights and methodological and policy propositions about issues of innovation, green economy and sustainable development. In collaboration with the Global Network of Innovation for Sustainable development inno4sd.net, in this track we invite authors to submit papers along the following topics:

  1. Conceptual, review and analytical papers around the notion of innovation and how it effectively contributes to implement social and environmental innovations and green economy for the different sustainable development goals.
  2. Original research papers including qualitative and/or qualitative analyses of innovations contributing to major sustainability transformations at different intervention levels: local, regional, national, supranational.
  3. Case studies focusing on drivers and barriers, financing and implementation mechanisms of radical and systemic eco-innovations promoting green economy (inc. resource efficiency, bio-economy, circular economy, etc.) and sustainable development goals (e.g. responsible consumption and production, energy, etc.).
  4. Conceptual, review and analytical papers of recent policy developments of environmental and innovation policies promoting sustainability transitions, including examples of framework conditions, policy mixes and considerations of rebound effects.
  5. Papers or notes from the field showing examples of science-policy debates and other forms of knowledge brokering aiming at levelling the playfield and promoting a better understanding of concepts, methods, aims and/or policy-relevant indicators for measuring innovation for transformative change aiming at sustainable development.

Articles may be considered for publications in special Issues at Sustainable Development, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. Scholars may also be invited by inno4sd.net to collaborate in relevant policy outlooks, country reviews and other publications.

You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first): https://isdrs2017.exordo.com



Dr Fernando J. Diaz Lopez works at the Netherlands Organisation for applied Scientific Research TNO. Fernando is a senior advisor and programme manager for TNO Caribbean in field of innovation for green and inclusive economies and industries. Fernando is member of the Mexican System of Researchers from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and associate professor extraordinary in sustainability systems by the University of Stellenbosch, in South Africa. He is also president of the board of Causa Natura, a Mexican think-thank working on policies for the conservation of natural resources (forestry and oceans). He currently supports the Director of TNO-Caribbean in the management and implementation of the Sustainability and Innovation programme for Latin America and the Caribbean.  A Mexican national, Fernando holds a PhD in international development (University of East Anglia, UK), a MPhil in economics and management of innovation (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico) and a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Mexico).
