6b. Quality of life and sustainable development
Track Chairs:
Eduardo Wills. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. ewills@uniandes.edu.co
Goals and objectives of the track
The movement towards sustainable development is increasing throughout countries, communities, firms and governments. An interesting and important discussion is taking place in academia in terms of how to define sustainable development form an economic, social and environmental point of view in order to guide public policies and actions of firms and communities.
One of the most interesting development in this regard is the idea to define and link sustainable development as quality of life from present and future generations, communities and societies. In this regard sustainable development is being approached from objective and subjective dimensions of quality of life, including subjective wellbeing, "buen vivir", life satisfaction and other constructs. The idea behind these approaches is that to live a good life it is necessary to have a particular care and attention of nature, to restrain excessive consumption, to develop new values such as benevolence and universalism and to change lifestyles among others. Firms are also including the wellbeing of their stakeholders as one of their main objectives to be reached. In this track we are inviting theoretical and applied contributions that work with visions and definitions of sustainable development as quality of life or that imply quality of life in the formulation and implementation of public policies of sustainable development
You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first): https://isdrs2017.exordo.com
Eduardo Wills-Herrera is a full professor ("profesor titular") of the Management School in Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá and was previously Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Regional Development - CIDER. He holds a PhD in Organizational Studies from Tulane University and a master in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, the Netherlands. He has published extensively about subjective well-being in Latin America as well as defining sustainability as quality of life. Another area of research is related to regional strategies of governance in post-conflict Colombia.