Olawale Emmanuel Olayide earned a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He works at the University of Ibadan Centre for Sustainable Development. He is currently a Research Fellow and Sub- Dean at the Centre. Olawale is a Consultant to some local and international organisation in the area of Sustainability (Social, Economic, Environmental & Governance) issues in Africa. He is a diligent, versatile and enterprising scholar. He possesses demonstrable competencies in academic leadership, open research and humane administration. Olawale has authored over 30 publications in form of edited books, chapters in books, peer-reviewed journal articles and monographs (https://goo.gl/llYLkt, https://goo.gl/l7E7dl, https://orcid.or /0000-0003-3151-0807). Olawale is a Member of the Board of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (https://isdrs.or /about-isdrs/board/) and the Chairperson of the Thematic Working Group on Africa (https://isdrs.org/thematic-groups/x-special-engagement-groups/x-1 africa/). He is also the Editor of the African Journal of Sustainable Development (https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajsd). Olawale is a Member of the Continental Expert Group on the Biennial Reporting Process of the Malabo Declaration of the African Union Commission on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation in Africa. Olawale is the co-Chair of Track 10 on African Perspectives on Governance, Partnership and Sustainable Development