Dr. Walter J.V. Vermeulen is based at at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development of Utrecht University (NL). Also linked to Stellenbosch University (SA), Prof. Vermeulen has an over 30 years' experience in analyzing progress in implementing environmental practices in business in many different countries. He active as President of the ISDRS. As researcher he is especially focusing on new forms of private governance in international supply chains, both in Europe as in supplier countries worldwide and on corporate sustainability strategies of frontrunning firms and performance measurement. In his work he focusses on making connections between on the one hand prescriptive theories and methodologies for sustainable production and consumption and on the other hand (quantitative) scientific analysis of the practices of application of these theories and methods applying a broad social science approach. At Utrecht University, he has as well been active as program leader of the International Master Sustainable Development. Recently he contributed to the startup of the new Sustainable Business and Innovation master in Utrecht. Prof. Vermeulen has published some 200 articles, reports, books advices etc., including 46 articles in Scopus registered international journals. He is also a member of the Editorial Boards of four scientific international journals: the journals Sustainable Development, Business Strategy and the Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management and Progress in Industrial Ecology.