10a. Special Theme: Sustainability and Africa
Track chair:
Olawale Emmanuel Olayide. Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. waleolayide@yahoo.com, oe.olayide@ui.edu.ng
Goals and objectives of the track:
Africa is no doubt one of the most endowed continents of the world with abundant mineral, agricultural and human resources. However, prolonged misrule and mismanagement by colonial and national governments have led to impoverishment and misery in the continent. There have also been boom and bust in the economies of the continent. Perhaps, the human resource is the critical factor for sustaining the resources in the continent. Africa, being the world's second largest continent in both population and size, faces enormous challenges of sustaining its resources for shared prosperity. Therefore, sustainable development of the continent would require massive reconstruction of decades of resource mismanagement as well as visioning for a peaceful and prosperous continent. Similarly, the potential demographic dividend should take precedence in developmental planning and for harnessing the resources in the continent. However, the sustainability of the resources in Africa for shared prosperity remains a challenge in the face of neo-colonialism, massive corruption, climate change, food insecurity, poverty, and misery. These issues are germane, and could hamper the sustainability of resources for the future in Africa.
Therefore, papers are invited in the following subject areas in relation to Africa:
- Demystifying resource curse
- Agricultural resources and transformation pathways
- Equity and equality of citizens
- Youth and transformative leadership
- Education, science and technology
- Governments, institutions and legitimacy
- Aligning Africa Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Globalisation and partnerships for sustainable development