10b. Sustainable Community Practice in China

Track chairs:

Xue Yang. School of the Business, Nanjing University.yangxue@nju.edu.cn

Goals and Objectives

In recent years, as indicated in the report launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), China has seized several opportunities to reaffirm its support to global agreements on sustainable development and climate change. China has made significant contributions to the process of advancing the 2030 Agenda and the agreement on the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). Mainstreaming of green-transition policies into various policy areas is under way in China. For instance, the green industrial policies, program to electrify road transport, technology sharing agreements with global investors, strategic public procurement, purchase subsidies and city trials, among others, have set excellent examples for the world in green development initiatives. The ecological crisis, social disparity, population aging, migration challenges, aspiration for innovation and technology   re-directing economic policies towards more sustainable production and consumption. After years of efforts, China is on a good track of green development, especially in the areas of electric transport, solar energy and the "sharing economy". These attempts successfully raise the awareness of green development by showcasing how it both benefits the environmental improvement and enhances productivity and global competitiveness. By bringing the patterns of industrial development and environmental concerns together, the ideas and practices can be turned into action in other following economies.

In the global scope, China's success in achieving specific millennium development goals (MDGs) and performing well overall can be seen as an enabling factor for its commitment to the UN's process-oriented approach to the sustainable-development Agenda 2030. China's south-south cooperation is also an important aspect in its promotion of the SDGs and climate policies. Currently, China's most outstanding foreign-policy initiative is the Belt and Road Initiative. The initiative determines to prevent the degradation of the planet, to manage natural resources in an equitable and sustainable manner and to achieve comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development of economy, society and environment.

When the China economy gradually transits to the "new norm" of growth rate, China has started to turn to face the challenges and opportunities for poverty reduction and shared prosperity. China aims to target assistance to the remaining poor and further improve the country's social safety net program, reform the intergovernmental fiscal system and reform the household registration system to reduce income disparities. Policies and strategies need to be designed to ensure equal access to quality education and health services. To achieve these objectives, reforms of the country's related governance and institutions would be critical for China's transition to more inclusive and sustainable growth. We can ask various questions, such as, how to strengthen the public resource management and cadre management system to better align the incentives with sustainable growth? How to enhance the accountability of each administrative sectors? How to expand engagement with public and private stakeholders?

Relevant review and empirical research papers are invited in the following subject areas, in relation to China's initiatives on sustainable development programme. Topics include but are not limited to the below issues:

  • Economic and societal development agendas in China
  • Alignment of Sustainable Development Goals and the specific indicators for transformation of China economies
  • Community of shared future for mankind
  • South-south cooperation and partnerships for sustainable development
  • Targeted poverty alleviation
  • Governments, institutions and legitimacy
  • Strategies for promoting transformative leadership and followership
  • Natural resources and sustainable development
  • Science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development
  • Equal opportunities to high-quality education
  • Health systems reformation, life expectancy enhancement and disease burden reduction
  • Food systems, climate change and sustainable development
  • Green growth, green economy and global futures

You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first): https://isdrs2019exordo.com
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2018 31 January 2019


